For people under 65 years of age, one of the key sources of funding for equipment and assistive devices is the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Assistive technology can be included in an NDIS plan if the NDIA believes it’s a reasonable and necessary support that will meet your needs and help you achieve your goals.
Depending on the Assistive Technology cost and complexity, participants may follow different processes. Click here for more information:
For people over 65 years of age, one of the key sources of funding for equipment and assistive devices is My Aged Care.
Home care packages funded by My Aged Care are not intended to be an aids and equipment scheme. However, some aids and equipment, including custom made aids, can be provided when they are identified in your care plan and the item can be provided within the budget available for the package. Click here for more information:
Western Australian funding schemes are referred to below (funding systems will vary from State to State). Possible funding sources:
Disability Equipment Grant (administered through the Independent Living Centre)
Department of Communities, Community Aids and Equipment Programme (CAEP)
Some grants are means tested. Applications will require verification by a professional that the equipment is appropriate and that the individual will benefit in their ability to maintain independence. Professional support may be necessary to verify an application.
If you are considering applying for one of these grants refer to the above websites for further information relating to eligibility criteria .
VisAbility administers the Disability Equipment Grant on behalf of the Independent Living Centre for equipment for people with vision impairments.
Other organisations such as Telstra and Australian Hearing have Disability Equipment Programmes. Eligibility applies.