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Deafblind Technology Project (Victoria)
Participants wanted! Are you a person with deafblindness, or are you a family member of a person with deafblindness? Do you live in Victoria? Are you or your family member interested in exploring technology? We are running a project looking…
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Introduction to congenital deafblindness
Online training modules Deafblind Information Australia project officers ran a series of webinars in March 2021. All webinars were live captioned and Auslan interpreted. The webinars run for 20 to 30 minutes and are now available on the website. The…
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Online workshop for families
Early social interaction & communication Image description: A child wearing a green striped top and a bone conduction hearing aid holds his mother’s face close to his own. Image source: Yorkshire Reporter The workshop content is based on the Deafblind International…
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Deafblind Awareness Week 2021
Yarn Bombing is the global initiative for Deafblind Awareness Week 2021. Yarn Bombing is a form of street art where knitted or crochet squares adorn an object in a public space. This largescale tactile art project aims to unite members…
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Congenital deafblindness webinars
Webinar series on congenital deafblindness Deafblind Information Australia project officers are running a series of webinars in March 2021. All webinars are live captioned and Auslan interpreted and include a Question and Answer session. The webinars will be recorded and…
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Deafblind Information Australia consortium successful
Deafblind Information Australia is a consortium of Senses Australia, Able Australia and Deafblind Australia. Deafblind Information Australia were pleased to be announced as grant recipients of a 3 year National Information Program grant. The project will focus on developing resources…
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Deafblind Awareness Week 2020
Deafblind Awareness Week will be run as a week long online event this year. The theme is Identity and Connection = Deafblind Proud. For all the detail about this event, open the Facebook event in a new tab.
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Senses Australia a finalist in the Australian Access Awards
Senses Australia has been judged a finalist in the Australian Access Awards for the Not-for-profit/community app of the year category for the development of the Be My Guide app. Read more information about the Be My Guide app.
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Parliment of Australia: Submission to inquiry into NDIS planning (September 2019)
Senses Australia in partnership with Able Australia and Deafblind Australia made a submission to the inquiry into NDIS planning. Download a copy of the submission.
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Launch of Be My Guide app
Senses is pleased to announce the launch of the Be My Guide app which will assist people who are blind and vision impaired to travel more independently with support from a remote volunteer guide Read more information about the app…
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Deafblind Information Hub Webinar dates
We are pleased to announce the dates for all the Deafblind Information Hub webinars. Please save the dates so you can participate in the live events. If you are not able to attend the live event, recordings and transcripts will…
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Deafblind Hub webinar one
The first Deafblind Hub webinar was held on Thursday 21st February. The topics of the webinar were: What is a webinar, What is the Deafblind Hub. Download a full transcript of the webinar. You can watch the webinar recording below.…
Archive for the ‘Latest News and Information’ Category:
Report on ILC WA Priority 1 Grant
Senses Australia received funding from the Western Australian Government Department of Communities to provide information about the NDIS to Western Australians with sensory disabilities. This information was provided in a range of ways. Eight workshops were run for Western Australians…
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Federal Funding to provide National Deafblind Information Hub
Senses Australia, the national not-for-profit organisation who provides individualised support with people with disabilities, has been announced as a grant recipient from the federal government. The funding was in the form of an Information Linkages and Capacity (ILC) National Readiness…
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Belinda’s ready for blindfolded challenge to help celebrate International White Cane Day
Helena Valley resident, Belinda Allen, will help Senses Australia celebrate International White Cane Day on Thursday, 15 October 2015, by travelling from home to work blindfolded and will use a white cane to help find her way. "I hope this…
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Senses Australia and Sense, a deafblind charity based in the UK, proudly present GOT2ACT, a drama group who is travelling to Perth from Cornwall, England. GOT2ACT was formed just over a year ago, its members are young…
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Help Darren make his dream become a reality
Twenty three year old Darren from Bunbury, has a vision and hearing impairment but he isn't going to let that stop him when he takes part in the 2016 SunSmart IRONMAN Western Australia in Busselton. And, he needs your help…
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Calling for research participants – Usher Syndrome or Dual Sensory Loss (Update)
Karen Wickham, a Senses Australia Deafblind Consultant interviewed by radio station 5 RPH Adelaide's Focal Point program about the research she is conducting. Senses Australia, a leading disability service provider with a difference, is working in collaboration with Edith Cowan University's…
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Support for people who are deafblind within NDIS and My Way NDIS
Position statement: The role of Auslan interpreters compared to the role of communication guide support workers in assisting people who are deafblind. Senses Australia is a disability not-for-profit organisation who provide a specialist service for people who are Deafblind. Senses…
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A visit to the Kimberleys
Senses Australia's Deafblind Consultants, Karen Wickham and Angela Wills travelled to the Kimberley region of Western Australia recently to hold training workshops. "Staff from agencies working in disability, aged care and education sectors in Kununurra, Halls Creek and Broome took…
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Calling for research participants – Usher Syndrome or Dual Sensory Loss
Are you the child of a parent with Usher Syndrome or dual sensory loss? We need your help! Senses Australia, in collaboration with Edith Cowan University are undertaking a research study to help better understand the experiences and impacts of…
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Have you considered Orientation and Mobility Training?
For people who are vision impaired, blind or deafblind, orientation and mobility training may be an option for them to learn skills to navigate and move around their environment independently and safely with little or no vision. Linda is deafblind,…
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Youth Leadership Development Program for individuals who are deafblind
This program aims to provide assistance to youth who are deafblind in developing their personal skills to enable them to undertake more significant leadership roles in their personal or professional lives.
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Supporting people with Dual Sensory Loss/Deafblindness
Expressions of interest are invited from people who would like to attend a workshop in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia. A full day or half day of training could include: An overview of dual sensory loss/deafblindness Communication strategies Basic…