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Reserve Bank of Australia – Next Generation Banknotes: Additional Feature for the vision impaired

The Governor, Glenn Stevens, has today announced that the next generation of Australian banknotes will include a 'tactile' feature to assist people with a vision impairment. As previously announced, existing features to help the vision impaired tell the difference between…

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Senses Australia to help end the isolation for many older Australians

Age related dual sensory loss or deafblindness is an isolating disability for our growing ageing population.  Senses Australia will undertake an Australia wide project called 'Ending the Isolation' to help older Australians living with deafblindness. Matthew Wittorff, Senses Australia's Manager…

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Deafblind Services – Showcase of Conference Presentations: Download

Late last year, Senses Australia held the 'Deafblind Services - Showcase of Conference Presentations' to celebrate the 2014 International Day of People with Disability. Senses Australia staff have presented across Australia and internationally, including Brazil, France, Denmark and Sweden on service…

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Dual Sensory Family Forum – Connecting Families

The Dual Sensory Family Forum is an online forum for families of children with Dual Sensory Impairment or Deafblindness (combined hearing and vision impairment).  The Dual Sensory Family Forum is part of the Australian Childhood Vision Register. Launched in June…

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Western Australian ‘Wild Western Deafblind Camp’

Senses Australia was very proud to recently host the 'Wild Western Deafblind Camp' on November 14 - 16 2014 at the Ern Halliday Recreation Camp, Hillarys, Western Australia. The WA Deafblind Camp provided an opportunity for people who are deafblind…

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Deb’s experience – The Western Australian camp for people who are deafblind 2014

Deb attended the 2014 Western Australian camp for people who are deafblind and shares her experiences. "I enjoyed my weekend at camp.  The Dancing was great on Friday night.  Saturday I did some craft in the morning after lunch we…

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Wilma’s experience – The Western Australian camp for people who are deafblind 2014

Wilma attended the 2014 Western Australian camp for people who are deafblind and shares her experiences. "I was SURE, ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE, this could not be as good as the last one in 2012.  That was impossible!!! I was right!! It…

Archive for the ‘Latest News and Information’ Category:

Linda’s experience – The Western Australian camp for people who are deafblind

Linda attended the 2014 Western Australian camp for people who are deafblind and shares her experiences. "From, Friday, 14 November 2014 to Sunday, 16 November 2014 the Western Australian camp for people who are deafblind was held at Ern Halliday…

Archive for the ‘Latest News and Information’ Category:

Second Western Australian Camp for people who are deafblind 2014

Senses Australia held the Second Western Australian Camp for people who are deafblind on Friday, 14 November 2014 to Sunday, 16 November 2014, at Ern Halliday Recreation Camp, Hillarys, Western Australia. A variety of activities took place over the weekend…

Archive for the ‘Latest News and Information’ Category:

Deafblind Services – ‘Showcase of Conference Presentations’

Join us on Tuesday, 2 December 2014, when Senses Australia's Deafblind Services brings together a number of plenary and workshop papers that have been presented at national and international conferences. Where: Technology Park Function Centre. 2 Brodie Hall Drive, Bentley…

Archive for the ‘Latest News and Information’ Category:

Sharing knowledge and skills

At the 9th National Deafblind Conference in Sydney, which was held in June this year, Matthew Wittorff, Senses Australia’s Manager Deafblind Services, presented the outcomes of the research he conducted for his Masters Degree.  His research, titled ‘The Impact of…

Archive for the ‘Latest News and Information’ Category:

Western Australian camp for people who are deafblind

'Wild Western Theme' Senses Australia is pleased to announce that the Western Australia Camp for people who are deafblind will be held from Friday, 14 November 2014 to Sunday, 16 November 2014 at Ern Halliday Recreation Camp, Hillarys, Western Australia.…

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Australian Rare Disease Survey for Adults

Are you aged 18 years or older and living with a rare disease in Australia? You are invited to participate in The Australian Rare Diseases Survey for Adults.  This study is being conducted between 21 July 2014 and 1 September…

Archive for the ‘Latest News and Information’ Category:

Wilma lets nothing stand in her way

Despite having Usher Syndrome, Bentley resident Wilma has not let this stand in her way of learning to play the piano as well as follow her love of painting and drawing. Having severe tunnel vision and severe hearing loss, Wilma…

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Patrick’s a real inspiration

An avid violin player, 85 year old Patrick, lost his hearing when he was just 10 years old and developed Glaucoma later in life, but that hasn't stopped him. Having played the violin since he was five years old, Patrick,…

Archive for the ‘Latest News and Information’ Category:

There is no stopping Sharyn

Despite having Usher Syndrome, Halls Head resident Sharyn continues to live the life she chooses, by working for the Department of Premier and Cabinet and participating in her community - including organising a Bibbulmun Track walk in August 2014. Sharyn…

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Linda enjoys giving back to her community

Stirling resident Linda, who was born with Optic Atrophy - a congenital eye disease that causes blindness and developed a hearing impairment when she was just 10 years old, like to be able to give back to her community through…

Archive for the ‘Latest News and Information’ Category:

Calling for participants and volunteers to attend Deafblind Camp

Senses Australia is pleased to announce the Western Australian Camp for people who are deafblind will be held on Friday, 14 November 2014 to Sunday, 16 November 2014 at Ern Halliday Recreation Camp, Hillarys, Western Australia. With a 'Wild Western'…

Archive for the ‘Latest News and Information’ Category:

Comm-Clear a video app giving you access to qualified interpreters

Comm-Clear is a video application that can give you access to qualified interpreters 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To find out more visit

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First International Deaf-Blind Expo

The First International Deaf-Blind Expo will be held in Las Vegas from Wednesday, 30 July 2014 to Sunday, 3 August 2014. To find out more please visit

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High-Tech Items Giving Deaf-Blind Online Access

Technology is enabling people with combined hearing and vision loss to have online access. To read the article please visit Medical Design Technology Magazine.

Archive for the ‘Latest News and Information’ Category:

Fight4Sight: A Man with Usher Syndrome Travels Around the Globe

One man’s incredible journey to see as much of the world as possible over two months – before his vision deteriorates further due to Usher Syndrome. To read the article please visit Foundation Fighting Blindness - Eye on the Cure,…

Archive for the ‘Latest News and Information’ Category:

‘Brotherly Love’

'Brotherly Love' is an article written by a mother about her young son, who is deafblind, the impact on their family and the special relationship that he shares with his younger brother. To read the article please visit the National…

Archive for the ‘Latest News and Information’ Category:

‘I fear for my future’

Sense UK have recently published a report 'I fear for my future'. The report is based on the experiences of people who are deafblind and their families in the last year. To read the report please visit Sense UK's website.