Congenital deafblindness webinars
Webinar series on congenital deafblindness
Deafblind Information Australia project officers are running a series of webinars in March 2021. All webinars are live captioned and Auslan interpreted and include a Question and Answer session. The webinars will be recorded and made available on the website. They are suitable for education staff, therapy professionals, families and carers. All webinars run for up to 1 hour and start at 13:30 AWST (NSW / ACT/ VIC / TAS 4:30pm; SA 4:00pm; QLD 3:30pm; NT 3:00pm; WA 1:30pm)
- Introduction – Deaf, deaf, Hard of Hearing, 10th March 2021
- Introduction to Vision Impairment, 22nd March 2021
- Introduction to Congenital Deafblindness, 30th March 2021
- Overview of Strategies in Congenital Deafblindness, 31st March 2021
Introduction – Deaf, deaf, Hard of Hearing
Held on 10th March 2021![](
Image description: A boy wearing hearing aids and glasses, holding a plastic toy fish, signs to a boy wearing a cochlear implant
This webinar provides an overview of terminology, detecting and describing types of hearing loss and their impact and included a question and answer session. Open the Introduction, Deaf, deaf, Hard of Hearing webinar in a new tab
Introduction to Vision Impairment
Held on 22nd March 2021![A head and shoulder photograph of a child lying on a soft mattress, eyes pointed upwards.](
Image description: A head and shoulder photograph of a child lying on a soft mattress, eyes pointed upwards.
This webinar provides an overview of types of vision impairment, terminology and impact. Open the Introduction to Vision Impairment webinar in a new tab
Introduction to Congenital Deafblindness
Held 30th March 2021![](
Image description: A young person with deafblindness and facial features of CHARGE syndrome, sits close and holds his mother’s hand between her little and ring finger.
This webinar covers definitions, identification, causes and impact of congenital deafblindness. Open the Introduction to Congenital Deafblindness webinar in new tab
Overview of strategies in Congenital Deafblindness
Held 31st March 2021![](
Image description: A young girl with deafblindness and her teacher play with a blue fan. The girl’s left hand lays over the teacher’s hand to follow the movements of playing with the fan. The girl’s right hand lays over the teacher’s other hand so she can feel the teacher’s sign language.
This webinar provides an overview of strategies to support the development of someone with congenital deafblindness. Recording of webinar coming soon.
To join the mailing list to find out about new resources releases on congenital deafblindness email Deafblind Information Australia