Dual Sensory Family Forum – Connecting Families
The Dual Sensory Family Forum is an online forum for families of children with Dual Sensory Impairment or Deafblindness (combined hearing and vision impairment). The Dual Sensory Family Forum is part of the Australian Childhood Vision Register.
Launched in June 2014, the aim of the forum is to connect families so that they can share ideas. The forum also has a separate section for professionals to liaise and share information and experiences.
Parents can register, view comments, post information and questions and participate in online discussion with other families from around Australia. They will also have access to the Vision Impairment Family Network.
The Dual Sensory Family Forum is supported by organisations across Australia such as Senses Australia, Able Australia and the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children. Participating families need to be registered with a service provider linked to hearing and vision related services and supports.
To register, view and participate visit: http://forum.vifamliynetwork.org.au.
For further details please contact: contactus@vifamilynetwork.org.au